We're accelerating permanent carbon removal with Frontier.Learn more.
Carbon curve

The enterprise climate platform

Measure, report, and reduce your emissions in weeks. Make real carbon reductions—for real business results.

Let’s flip the carbon curve.

Trusted by leading companies in every industry

How it works

The tools you need to take action on climate

measure section of watershed dashboard

Map your carbon footprint in days, not weeks, with the leading climate data engine

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measure section of watershed dashboard

Prepare and file climate disclosures to meet global regulatory standards

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report section of watershed dashboard

Set targets, reduce emissions, and track progress to real decarbonization

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act section of watershed dashboard
$22tof assets have
a net zero target
Source: GFANZ

Good for business. Good for the planet.

Companies today are expected to have concrete climate plans. We’ll help you implement a climate program that meets the demands on your investors, regulators, employees, and customers – and boosts your bottom line.

Illustration of puzzle of the world being completed

Climate impact at scale

Our mission is to accelerate decarbonisation by building the tools organisations need to cut carbon.

We’re a team of technologists and climate experts who previously built products and climate programs at companies like Airbnb, Airtable, Apple, McKinsey, Stripe, and Meta. Watershed is backed by Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins.

We’re also grateful for the support of these key leaders of the climate movement:

Fast Company

Working with companies from Sweetgreen to Shopify, Watershed collects data about operations, figures out how much carbon it generates, and then finds the ways to reduce it.

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New York Times

The start-up’s tool will one day become as fundamental as cloud computing, accounting or HR systems, Moritz told DealBook: ‘Imagine doing business without AWS or SAP or Workday or Salesforce.’

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Watershed and its customers are part of a growing movement of companies realizing that fighting climate change needs to be a fundamental part of their long-term business plan.

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Get to net zero with Watershed.

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