SEC Compliance

Get ready for SEC requirements

Starting in 2024, the US Securities & Exchange Commission is expected to require all publicly listed companies to disclose carbon emissions, climate-related risk, and their plans for reducing emissions and mitigating risk.

For the latest on SEC regulation, visit our blog

Screenshot of product showing net zero 2023 plan
Screenshot of product showing net zero 2023 plan

Get SEC-ready with Watershed


Understand your emissions

The SEC has proposed that companies report carbon emissions alongside their financials—which means starting with granular, accurate emissions measurement.


Assess your climate risk

Once you understand your carbon footprint, you can assess climate-related risks within your business—another requirement of the SEC’s proposed regulation.


File disclosures

Watershed helps validate your data, prepare your filing, and ensure your disclosures are vetted and audit-ready. We'll also help you set targets and take concrete steps to reduce your emissions and mitigate climate risk.


The Securities and Exchange Commission—the main US regulator over public financial markets—proposed a new rule in March that would require publicly-listed companies to report climate data alongside their financial results. The rule calls for full transparency on carbon emissions, climate risks, and how boards and executives are integrating climate into their wider strategy. Companies would need to disclose their current performance, their plans to reduce those emissions and risks, and how they’re doing against those plans.

Get SEC-ready